Connected Communities offers a menu of services to municipal government leaders with an interest in advancing their community's smart + connected community initiatives. CCC works with communities of all sizes.

In-Person Smart City Training Sessions. Connected Communities offers Introduction to Smart City In-Person Training Sessions designed to educate, engage and activate municipal government leaders and key community stakeholders.   Council members, department heads, leaders from the Council of Governments (CoG), leaders from adjacent communities and leaders from the community are all potential participants in the group training sessions.  Training materials showcase smart city best practices pursued by leading cities, are designed to be interactive and include facilitated ideation sessions.

Topics covered during the In-Person Smart City Training include:  

  •  Overview of “Smart City” - what does this buzzword actually mean?
  • Setting Achievable Smart City Objectives
  • Conducting a Useful Inventory of Your Community’s Smart City Assets
  • Establishing an Effective City Steering Committee
  • Developing a Smart City Roadmap
  • Available Smart City Resources for Municipalities

In-person Smart City Training sessions include 4-5 hours of presentations, exercises and hands-on training.  Connected Communities will work with clients to develop a training session that aligns with your community's specific goals, interests and within the time constraints of training session participants.

Smart City Readiness Assessments and Smart City Roadmaps – Smart City Readiness Assessments and Roadmaps include in-person or telephone interviews with key stakeholders in your community, the development of a smart city asset inventory specific to your community and a plain language report with recommended action items including achievable next steps to advance a community’s specific smart city objectives.       

Grant writing – Federal agencies and foundations have a growing interest in funding smart city projects.  Connected Communities can support efforts to identify funding opportunities and/or draft applications for funding.